Appointment Reminders are emails or text messages that are delivered to your clients before their scheduled Zencare Practice Management sessions. This feature is optional, and is disabled by default when you add a new client.
If you plan on using appointment reminders, there are two steps to configure them correctly:
- Write your default reminder messages.
- Configure the preferred reminder for each client.
Write Your Default Reminder Messages
Before you start setting reminders up for your clients, you will want to customize your default reminder messages. The same message will be sent out to all recipients. You will build these out of plain text and Zencare Practice Management Macros. A macro is a variable that is filled in with the correct information when the message is sent out.
Here are the Zencare Practice Management Macros:
To create your default reminder messages:
- Head to Settings > Reminders.
- Make sure you are in the Reminders tab.
- For email reminders:
- Enter a default subject line.
- Type in your reminder message, and copy and paste the macros to add variables.
- There is a 65,535 character limit for email reminders.
- For SMS reminders:
- Type in your reminder message, and copy and paste the macros to add variables.
- There is a 160 character limit.
- Click Save to update your changes.
Set Up Reminders for a Client
All clients have reminders turned off by default. This is so you can control and be aware of exactly how you are contacting each of them.
To enable appointment reminders:
- Head to the Client Account > Contact & Clinical > Contact Details.
- Click Edit.
- To set email reminders:
- Type the client’s valid email address.
- Under the Reminders area, use the Email Reminders dropdown to set the time before the session you would like the reminder to be delivered.
- To set text message reminders:
- Enter in the client’s phone number.
- Click the SMS reminders box next to the phone number these should be delivered to.
- Under the Reminders area, use the SMS Reminders dropdown to set the time before the session you would like the reminder to be delivered.
- Click the green Save button.
Once you do this, the client will receive reminders as per these settings for every session they are scheduled for in the future!
Note - there is not a feature to enable reminders for all clients. You will need to enable them for each client, according to their preferences.
- Using Logs to Track Reminders
If you are ever curious about the successful delivery of your clients’ reminders, each client has their own unique Logs area! The logs area displays every email or text message you have sent your client, including reminders! Just click on Logs on the client account to see confirmations of all messages.