Once you create financial documents, you can supply them to your clients for their own records. There are three options to supply financial documents to your clients:
- Export as PDF
Once you have created an invoice, receipt, or account summary you will select the preferred method for the client.
Financial documents are never automatically delivered to a client. This is to ensure you control who receives this confidential information.
For those clients who prefer to receive digital copies of their financial documents, use the Email tool. In the side bar beside the open invoice, receipt, or account summary you will see a list of the client email addresses and any email addresses you have entered in to their Circle of Care. Press the checkbox next to the email you want to deliver the invoice to, and then click the Email button. You'll see a notification that the email was delivered.
The email will be delivered as a PDF attachment, and the body of the message can be customized before sending it in the "Add Email Message."
Set your default Email Messages under Settings > Payment Details.
To secure the documents you send, you can create a password for them. Simply type a password into the field labeled Password Protect Emailed PDF located above the PDF Actions menu.
When you secure the document with a password, the client you send it to will only be able to view the PDF by using the password. You'll need to communicate this password to the client separately from the email to ensure its privacy and security.
You can assign a password to any PDF document you email from Zencare Practice Management such as Invoices, Receipts, and Account Summaries.
A few notes on emailing financial documents:
- You can deliver a financial document to multiple email recipients.
- Financial documents are never automatically emailed to clients.
- Emails are sent from the email address under Settings > Practice Details. If your clients reply to the email, the message will be rerouted to this email address.
Open any financial document in Zencare Practice Management and click the Print button. This will open your browser's print tool.
Export to PDF
If you are looking to download a local copy, open the document and click the PDF button to save a copy of this invoice to your Downloads folder. Remember - invoices contain personal health information and need to be treated carefully to comply with PHIPA standards.