Sessions are the backbone of your practice. The session is how you schedule appointments, write session notes, bill, and track client data.
Each time you see a client, you will need to schedule the appointment as a session in your Calendar, and then mark their attendance. This Zencare Practice Management Guide will cover:
- Scheduling and Managing Recurring Sessions
- Managing Service Fee Discounts for Clients
- Marking Attendance for Sessions
- Writing up Session Notes
- Using Notes to Document Phone Calls and Emails
Once you have a session, documenting what went on it is equally important! Zencare Practice Management allows you to create, manage, and securely store your Client Session Notes. Every session you book will have its own unique Session Note in Zencare Practice Management. You can work on this Session Note during your session or after, whatever your preference! You can also sign your Session Note using your digital signature.
Zencare Practice Management Notes use a variety of features designed to make your note writing process enjoyable and secure, including:
- Digital Signatures
- Auto-saving
- Spell check
- Customizable Notes Templates
- And more!
Notes can be written on any device you use to access Zencare Practice Management, making keeping accurate and updated notes convenient.